My Trip North, March 2005


My niece, Alexandra Marx, was to be Bat Mitzvahed on March 12th, 2005.  So I decided to make a trip of it, to see my daughter and my extended family and my friends.  I left NOLA on March 5th and I returned March 20th.   Thank you, Caryl, Mari, Mari, Mari, Mari, Linda, Linda, Libbie, Libbie, Libbie, Mari, Mari & Mari for putting me up, and putting up with me.  I had SUCH a good time and I have you ladies to thank for it!  And to ALL my family, I love you all a great big heap!


March 5th - 6th, New York
Caryl's Catz



me & Doodles
March 6th - 10th, New York City
Mari's Kitchen

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Collector's Item!


March 10th - 11th, Philadelphia
Harry and Wilma

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March 11th - 13th, Fairfield, CT
Allen & Cheech's Home

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Alex, the Bat Mitzvah girl

Alex & Rico


March 11th - 13th, Fairfield, CT
Allen & Cheech's Home

Zoë & Rico

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March 12th, Stamford, CT
Bat Mitzvah Party
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Nephew Ricky, Niece Karen,
B-I-L Sandy & Sister Ginger

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Niece Melissa & friend


March 12th, Stamford, CT
Bat Mitzvah Party

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Ever notice how only girls seem to enjoy dancing?!
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Dad & Alexandra
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Dad & Samantha
March 13th, Fairfield, CT
Five Beautiful Women, Rico
and a Guy with a Mustache

Samantha, Sara, Zoe & Rico, Allen, Cheech, Alexandra


Alex kisses Rico
March 14th - 16th, Kendall Park, NJ
The Dogz of the Paul & Libbie Marx family

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March 14th - 16th, Kendall Park, NJ
The Dogz of the Paul & Libbie Marx family

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March 16th, NJ
Gary the Tympanist & the South Brunswick High School Wind Ensemble
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March 16th, Kendall Park, NJ
The Kitchen

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Gary, Jason, Libbie and Paul Marx
March 17th, New York City
Sharan!, in a candid pose

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What a Face, what a Smile, she's my kid,
and ain't she just beautiful!


March 18th, New York City
David & Caryl's Cats

Friends or Lovers?


yeah, well I wanted to post this one somewhere, so shoot me!  from Larry Gonick's Cartoon History of the Universe

